Its Me

 ~ It's Me ~ 

Hello Everyone,let me introduce my self. Im Louisa from X6. Im 16 and Im a student, actually im a Fenching Athlet. I live with my Mom and My little Brother at Anyer Dalam Street No 4 in Bandung. 

I have A lot of Hobbies. I love Music, I always listening music in my room, Running is my Hobby too , and also i love drawing and painting.

in the future i wanna be an Architects but im not sure about that so i hv a plan B, maybe i want to have a bakery but i dont wanna be a baker. because i just wanna have my own brand like Louisa bakery or maybe Vinata bakery, and its so cool.

But the point is, I just wanna be successfull, have a lot of money and can buy anything what i want. I just want to change me and my family's live become better.

so that is all about me, thank you so much for your time to read my blog and good bye👋👋😊


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