

  answer:  activity 1 1.  Yes I am 2. I used it before 3. when i was chiled i used it to keep my money save and colecting money but now i dont use it again because i can save my money at the bank 4. i think safe the money at bank is more effective because we dont hv to worry if our money will stolen and we can know how much money we hv. activity 2  1. Planning, Priority and Economical 2. 4 steps 3. the first step is planning 4. the last step is save money Activity 3 1. first insert ur debut card into a machin 2. enter ur password 3. chose how much money tht u need  4. take the money 5. wait until ur card to come out then take it   

Wind Energy

The Important Of conection

Favorite Public Figure


Make A Question

  Question Group Member :  - Briasti - Kirana  - Louisa 1. How many ways to do abortion?      a  Medication Abortion and procedural abortion     b. Medication abortion and distribute abortion     c. procedural abortion and distribute abortion     d. Medication Abortion and procedural abortion and distribute abortion. 2. in addition, abortion can also cause emotional effects, except    a. Depressed     b. Guilty    c. Grief    d. Relief 3. Why abortion should be allowed for rape victims? 4. What Is the danger of unwanted pregnancy ? 5. Is abortion allowed or is it just a shortcut to erase a mistake?

Ekspostory Text ~ Covid-19

 Group Member :  1. Briasti 2. Kirana 3. Louisa  Introduction Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a highly contagious viral illness caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS-CoV-2. The first case of COVID-19 was reported Dec 1, 2019 in Wuhan, China. SARS-CoV-2 may have originated in an animal and changed (mutated) so it could cause illness in humans. In the past, several infectious disease outbreaks have been traced to viruses originating in birds, pigs, bats and other animals that mutated to become dangerous to humans. Research continues, and more study may reveal how and why the coronavirus evolved to cause pandemic disease. According to 6,875,475 people have died so far from the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak as of May 17, 2023, 01:50 GMT.  argument  The virus can spread from an infected person’s mouth or nose in small liquid particles when they cough, sneeze, speak, sing or breathe. These particles range from larger respiratory droplets to smaller aerosols


I talked with my mom yesterday she asked me what i wanted to do on my birthday, and i said that i want to spent my time to have fun and enjoy it with her, and she said if tomorrow i will very busy and will come home at night, and i said that maybe on the weekend, and she asked me again what my hopes are in this year, and i said i wanna be better and my dream will come true, and she said Aamin.. and told me to go to bed and said sweet dream, and i said good night.